Frequently Asked Questions
Below you may find the answers to some questions that may arise. If the answer is not here please e-mail the booking secretary.
Are there any events that are unable to take place?
We are unable to accept bookings for teenage parties.
What equipment can we bring into the hall?
We ask that the halls floors are treated with respect and that any dirt, small stones and anything else that may cut into the flooring or damage it in any way be removed. Any electrical equipment brought in must have been tested for electrical safety.
Can we access the hall earlier than booked?
If the hall is available we are able to let you have early access. We advise you to pre book and pay for the time for setting up and clearing away so that the hall can be made available exclusively for your use, as when you start to set up we are unable to offer the hall to other hirers. Please make any suppliers aware of your booked times.
Is there additional time at the end of the hire period to clear up?
No there is not additional time at the end of the hire period to clear up. Clearing up must be done within the hire period as we may have another hiring coming in straight after your hire.
Are there any discounts for a charity event or can we have the hall for free?
We are sorry to say we are unable to offer the hall for free use as we are a charity, however the management committee will consider any application for a discounted hire fee for a charity event at its next committee meeting.
It is recommended you make your written application as early as possible and send it to the booking secretary via e-mail.
What are our options for alcohol and running a bar at the hall?
There are three options:
1, You can supply the alcohol and give it away to your guests for free.
2, You can ask guests to bring their own for their own consumption.
3, You can apply for a Temporary Events Notice License and this will enable you to sell alcohol yourself or you can employ the services of a landlord who may apply on your behalf and run the bar for you.