About the Hall

The Institute Hall has been serving Kelvedon residents since 1911, the Hall is managed by a committee consisting of elected and co-opted members together with  representative members nominated by local organisations.

Management  Committee meetings are scheduled for the second Monday of alternate months (Jan., March etc.) at 8pm in the Back Room, entrance via rear door.

Current  composition of the Management Committee –

Elected Members

Role within the committee

Jill Hinds

Ian Hill

Jeremy Doughton

Licensing and Legal, 200 Club

Matthew Fish

Health and Safety

Alan Knibb

Building and Fabric

Lorraine Knibb


Sue Ramsden

Minute Secretary

Keith Tremain

Co-Opted Members

Representative Members

Junior Kelvedon Players

Kelvedon Players

Barry French

Chair Person, Website, Booking Secretary & 200 Club

Kelvedon WI